Housing Benefit Navigation

Consulting, benefit navigation, and supportive services to Minnesotans to find or keep their homes.

Person Centered Housing Plans

We provide independent person-centered plans to enroll those who qualify into Housing Stabilization Services.

Organizational Consulting Services

Consultation services to streamline processes and find creative solutions for shelter, housing, and supportive service organizations.
5+Years of Experience
25kHappy Families
2+Expert Nurses
69+Awards Winings
37kHappy Seniors

Your Partner for Providence Housing Plans throughout Minnesota

Providence is a housing support agency dedicated to providing culturally competent services to help those in need connect to housing stability. We support individuals, families, youth, and those with disabilities on their self-determined path to housing stability with services rooted in values of respect and dignity for all.s

Housing Services
We help those in need identify appropriate housing solutions, develop person-centered plans to enroll in Housing Stabilization Services, and connect to benefits and other supportive services, particularly low-income and displaced persons.
Improved Service Delivery
Technical assistance and consultation to streamline organizational processes and solve challenges in supportive housing, shelter, and social service settings, case consultations, and connections to community partner resources.
Fostering Respect and Dignity for All
Guided by Housing First and Harm Reduction models, we provide individualized services that are compassionate, culturally competent, and trauma informed.